Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention & Support (PBIS)
At Kingsville Elementary, we utilize a PBIS framework for teaching and reinforcing behavior expectations throughout the building. These expectations are in alignment with a district-wide PRIDE statement, where staff and students are focused on being Prepared, Respectful, Involved Safely, Dependable, and meeting Expectations throughout the school day. These behavioral expectations are explicitly taught throughout the building and reinforced with our various acknowledgement systems (listed below). We also utilize the flowchart listed below to document unwanted behaviors in an effort to predict and prevent unwanted behaviors and reinforce the prosocial behaviors that will create more success throughout the building.
If you have any questions about PBIS or PAX at Kingsville Elementary, feel free to reach out to your PBIS Team!
Ackowledging Wanted Behaviors
Ackowledging Wanted Behaviors
Ackowledging Wanted Behaviors
*Verbal Feedback (with regular ticket delivery to document the verbal feedback given)
*Granny's Wacky Prizes (for small group or whole class recognition)
*Tootles (for individual students throughout the month - staff to student, and peer to peer)
*"Fun Friday" (whole class acknowledgement when classroom container meets the ticket goal line)
*Ticket pull (monthly - from classroom containers that are emptied after earning Fun Friday)
*Student/PAX Leader of the Month (monthly - chosen from peers through the use of selective Tootles)
*Individual Classroom System (may be utilized through the use of pulling tickets out of the classroom bin for additional acknowledgement)
PRIDE Expectations Across the Building
PRIDE Expectations Across the Building

Behavior Flowchart


One of the tools that we use to teach, model, and reinforce expectations around the building is the "PAX Good Behavior Game." PAX focuses on peace, productivity, health and happiness. Each morning, the students hear and recite the Kingsville Pax Promise.